Sunday, December 2, 2012

Internal intricacies and a loss of confidence

It has been one of those weeks where I have seriously questioned how the traditional workings of my usual thought processes are supposed to read/process/handle thought patterns on what appears to be entirely different wave lengths.  Suddenly being just a caring, patient and sympathetic mother wanting the utmost best for her child is not enough to equip me when I am questioning whether I even have the right degree of empathy. I joke about brick walls but maybe its actually my mind that has just hit one because I am suddenly frustrated that I can't understand the internal intricacies of how my daughter's mind work beyond the most basic, superficial level.  How can you be someone's biggest advocate when you don't even understand where they are coming from?

I have learnt how to reach her and she has so kindly let me into her world for which I will be forever grateful but those brick walls are still growing higher.  I feel a complete stranger in her world because the parameters are too abstract for me to comprehend at this point in time. 

All of these feelings of helplessness were sparked by a very small incident at school this week. But even though it was minor to the class and teacher, it was not to the Dancing Queen who re-lived it for nearly 24 hours as she had mis-interpreted the severity of it all and as a result chose to punish herself to a far greater degree than what the incident warranted. 

Maybe its only now that I am beginning to comprehend what autism actually involves.  I know that may sound stupid and ignorant, but in those initial years I think maybe I was more caught up in dealing with the physical side of things.  Initially as a non verbal child, she was a very angry and frustrated one and day to day life came down to surviving the constant meltdowns and her need to run from anything that disturbed her.  These days she can talk and I have become a master of monitoring and evaluating all environments and external stimuli as a potential trigger so life is far less stressful on that particular front.

However I now suspect that I am still in fact still at the bottom of that ever increasingly steep learning curve and while I somehow managed to protect myself from comprehending the full implications of what an autism diagnosis entails, reality is about to give me another sharp lesson.

1 comment:

  1. We are mom's, to put it simply...we learn as we go and give it all our effort and that's what matters. Our children know this, they know we're not perfect, but they still love us just the same as we love them...unconditionally :)
