Monday, July 30, 2012

First Mutterings

I am not sure why I have finally decided to get my act together and start something which has been on my to do list for too many years.  But after years of procrastination and false promises, I am finally ready to take the plunge - of course it is when I am supposed to be doing at least five other things but that I have found is one of the day to day consistencies of my life.  I am always supposed to be doing something else on that eternal list which grows in size and complexity by the day.

Anyway to get to the point, I was reading the postings of a parent of an autistic child last night and all of a sudden felt inspired to start my own. As is the case with everything and everybody, every autistic child is different. My eldest daugther likes to joke that her little sister is in fact the left product of an alien spaceship because she is THAT different.  And without a doubt, my youngest child (to be known as the dancing queen)  is unique.  But that's what makes her who she is and thats what makes her so special.  Whatever her official label maybe, she has the individuality and life force of 10 people combined and I would not have her any other way.

Saying that however, I freely admit that even three to four years ago I had grave doubts that both of us would survive to celebrate her fifth birthday. There were weeks and even months when that long black tunnel did not even have a flicker of light beckoning at the end of it.  But both of us have done more than survive and she is now busy planning her 8th birthday party.  She is now unrecognisable from the angry, uncommunicative child that she once was and is in fact now one of the happiest people I know with a genuine love for life, and no off switch. In her view, life is too interesting to waste which still includes the need for no sleep - again that is a waste of time which could be spent enjoying something else.  And along the way, she has taught me so much.  She may still be my greatest challenge, but without a doubt she is also one of my greatest rewards.

And so I thought I would start this.  In between the meltdowns (which are now far less phsyical but are actually far more complex), there are ever increasing moments of pure joy.  So this is for anyone else also enjoying the challenges and rewards of raising a child not deemed to fall within the traditionally defined paramaters of expected social behaviour or for anyone interested in reading about the additional complexities associated with an autistic child.   One of the things I love most about my dancing queen is the fact she will always keep me guessing and seven times out of ten will make me laugh, even if it is often a case of "what the...."?.


  1. This is so great Arna. Your writing is so alive, so honest and so real. I'd love to read this so from a purely selfish point of you I'm thrilled that you are writing. You write really well and I just love the title! Really looking forward to reading more! Best wishes, Jyotsna

    1. Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it and it means heaps to me. So thank you.

  2. This is wonderful . So nice to hear of you little one. I miss her so much. We talk often of our time in Brusbane. Love it! Looking forward to it!

    1. Hi Niru and thanks for your all support too. Elyse still remembers the people at the yellow house and still talks about Yuvi and MumMum too :) Its lovely that we are still in touch.
