I have not written anything for a while so thought it time to try again. But
when I was scrounging around in the back of my mind trying to think of an
appropriate topic to write on, the only one consistent thought that kept
popping into the forefront was my youngest daughter's smile.
As I have said before, the Dancing Queen has this most amazing smile.
Not only does it light up her face, but its almost like her whole entire being
smiles. It then radiates from her and its almost impossible not to feel
it. She generates that warm, fuzzy feeling that can almost penetrate even
the hardened exteriors of some of society's gruffest elements. And
because she does not know fear of people, she happily smiles to the world and
to date I have found few people that can resist her.
Which also applies to me on those days when my head hurts from having the
same conversation 26 times, usually while I am trying to do something else, or
I have had to ask her to do one simple thing seven times in the space of 10
minutes etc as we try to get out the door for school. But even if it is
through gritted teeth or as I am banging my head against my favourite brick
wall out of frustration because I can not understand where she is coming from,
she can still make me smile. Three of my most favourite highlights of
the day are the first smile of the morning when she comes to say good morning,
the one you get at school pickup or as she comes through the door after being
away for a few hours and the one she generates from me when I check on her on
last time before I go to sleep. For all her extra energy and her dishevelled,
disorganised state of sleep often upside down and hard against the wall, she
still looks angelic. And she makes me smile from somewhere deep down in
me I did not know existed until she came into my life.
So I am hoping that this New Year will be another year of smiles, from both
of us. And that those smiles will help us get through the meltdowns, the
stresses and the anxieties and all those extra little challenges that are part
and parcel of her life.